Saturday, August 13, 2022

Oat Milk Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits


Oat milk nutrition facts

As more consumers choose vegan and plant-based diets, producers have grabbed the chance to develop lactose-free substitute milk products. Oat milk is one of the most widely consumed non-dairy milk substitutes, populating grocery store shelves all over the world.

Oat milk is made from steel-cut or whole oats that have been soaked in water, mixed, and then filtered using a cheesecloth or special milk bag. It is less expensive to manufacture than almond milk and is also good for the environment.

Oat milk is dairy-free, almost fat-free, higher in protein than other nut-based milks, increases fiber in your diet, and contains a significant amount of B vitamins and essential minerals.

Oat Milk Nutrition Facts

 The nutritional information for one serving (one cup) of oat milk, is provided by the USDA.


  • Calories: 120
  • Fat:    5g
  • Sodium: 101mg
  • Carbohydrates: 16g
  • Fiber:   1.9g
  • Sugars: 7g
  • Protein: 3g


The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that oat milk has 16 grammes of carbohydrates per cup, which is more than other milk products. However, fiber, not fat, provides the carbohydrates. Oat milk includes more fiber per serving than cow's milk (which has none), almond and soy milks (which only have one gramme of fiber per serving), and is produced from steel-cut or whole oats.


No fatty acids, no total saturated fat, and no total trans fats are present in oat milk. There are 5 grammes of total lipid fat in the milk.


With only 3 grammes of protein per serving, oat milk is less protein-rich than cow's and soy milk. But oat milk provides more protein per serving than other milk alternatives like almond and rice. This is especially useful if you're on a vegan or dairy-freediet and can't eat lean meat or dairy products because they're high in protein.

Vitamins and Minerals

Thiamin and folate, two B vitamins essential for generating energy, can be found in oat milk. The product also contains trace levels of essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin D, vitamin A IU, riboflavin, and potassium as well as vital minerals like copper, zinc, manganese, and magnesium. Additionally enriched with vitamins A, D, B12, and B2, most commercial oat milk that is not made at home is.


One serving of oat milk — which comes to about 1 cup — provides approximately 120 calories.

When it’s Best

Oat milk is available year-round in the grocery store.

Storage and Food Safety

Once opened, place store-bought oat milk in the refrigerator, and it will last 7 to 10 days.

How to Prepare

Oat milk can be produced on your own. Simply combine water and rolled or steel-cut oats in a blender. then tense up.

In a big bowl, add the oats, cover them with water, and let them soak for at least four hours. The following day, you can drain, rinse, mix, strain, and whisk them in cold water.


Oat milk is produced by several different companies and is sold in grocery and health food stores. Oat milk may also be found in a variety of tastes, such as vanilla and chocolate.

Health Benefits

Alternative to Dairy Milk

Many people have a dairy allergy. The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) estimates that 2 to 3 percent of children under the age of three have a milk allergy. 80 percent of people outgrow their allergies, but the remaining 20 percent continue to struggle with them well into adulthood. This forces thousands of individuals to need dairy substitutes.

Oat milk provides some of the same health advantages as cow's milk, such as protein to build and repair tissues and keep your hair and nails looking healthy, calcium for strong bones, and macronutrients like folate to make red and white blood cells in the bone marrow, as an alternative to dairy milk for anyone allergic to dairy, lactose intolerant, or following a vegan or dairy-free diet.

Lowers Cholesterol

According to a 2019 scientific review that was published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, eating oats and oat-derived products significantly reduces levels of both total and LDL cholesterol. Significant evidence, according to the study's findings, links oat beta-glucans to blood cholesterol levels, indicating that including oats in one's diet can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Combats Cancer

Oat milk may have anti-cancer qualities and has high nutritional value, according to a review of plant-based milk substitutes that was published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology.

Regulates Bowel Movements

Oat milk contains more fiber than ordinary milk since fiber makes up a large portion of the carbs in it. Because fiber absorbs water, it can be beneficial for anyone trying to control their bowel motions and lower their risk of constipation. Only 5% of people consume the recommended amount of fiber, according to the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, making oat milk a healthy choice.


The world is more aware of the effects that farming has on the environment than it has ever been, according to the American Society for Nutrition. Because of environmental concerns as well as the advantages and taste of alternative milks, spending on them has increased while consumption of traditional milk has decreased.

Dairy milk takes nine times more area to produce one litre of milk than rice, soy, almond, or oat milk, according to greenhouse gas emissions from more than 10,000 farms that produce cow and alternative milk globally.    


Oat milk is a healthy substitute for anyone who cannot drink almond milk due to a nut allergy or who are lactose intolerant or have any other form of dairy allergy.

If you suffer from celiac disease or any sort of wheat allergy or sensitivity, you should watch what you consume. Oat milk is still safe to consume, but you should always read the label. Make sure the product says "gluten-free wheat" on the label.

Oats are gluten-free, however because they are frequently processed on the same machinery as other wheat products, a response could occur.

Adverse Effects

If you are prone to kidney stones, you may want to limit your intake of oat milk because it contains phosphates, an additive that is frequently found in processed foods and has been associated to kidney illness. To reduce your phosphate intake if you consume a lot of processed foods, stick to another non-dairy substitute milk.

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